Black And White Studios برنامه ها

Chicken Egg Catcher 1.0
Black And White Studios
Chicken Egg Catcher is a very exciting and addictive game ever.Your goal in this game is to catch as many eggs as youcan.You have three chances / lives.Each egg has one point.Don't forget to collect golden egg which has three points.You don't have to catch broken egg.Last High Score will be shown on the game screen so can easilybreak the last high score.Game is especially developed for children with nicegraphics.
Kids drawing & learning board 1.0
Black And White Studios
Best ever android learning writing and drawingboard for kids. Kids writing and drawing board helps your childrento write alphabets, numbers, and whatever they want to write in avery unique way.Kids writing and drawing board is an educational app which allowsyour kids to learn and write and draw in a very unique way. Kidscan also draw shapes in it.A very user friendly application for kids, first select what theywant to write and then start writing.Their is a very unique english layout that allow your kid to writeenglish alphabet in four line format, in math layout allow your kidto write in block format and so on.This app is especially developed for before school goingchildren.If you like this app then don't forget to rate it.Key Features:Writing Board.Drawing Board.Kids can write in English, Urdu and ArabicKids can draw shapes.Numeric option is also available.Nice graphics.Easy to use.
Sugar / Glucose Tester Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Black and white studios bring you sugar /glucose tester which will test your sugar level without anyglucometer or any medical strip. This is not a very unique fingerscanner app to test sugar level, but will give you three results ata time: Sugar, Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.Sugar / glucose tester is an awesome and unique way to test glucoselevel in your body.Testing glucose or sugar level in human body have many ways suchas: from patient forearm, from patient thigh, from patient blooddrop etc.If are afraid of injection needle then you can track yourglucose/sugar level through this app.This prank application test your sugar level from your thumb-tip orfingertip, you don't need to have any medical deice or any kind ofsugar detector strip.This app is specially developed for those people who are diabeticpatients and use insulin to control their sugar level to avoid anymedical complication.This application cannot test your true blood sugar but will giveyou some fake random readings.If you are very conscious about your health then you can test yourglucose level anywhere anytime without any medical device to avoidany type health complications and to use proper medication .This app will also show your fake blood pressure and heart rateafter scanning period, and also shows the precaution to controlyour glucose level.App is very easy to use, first select your gender then select yourage limit and finally place your finger or thumb tip on thescanning pad to test your glucose level.Features:Track fake glucose / sugar level.Track through fingertip.Display precautions.Show fake blood pressure and heart rate.Simple and Nice Graphics.Works without any internet connection.Note:Sugar / Glucose Tester is a fake application which always givedifferent and random readings, This is a very fine way to prankyour friends and family. THIS IS A PRANK APPLICATION.
Finger Sugar Monitor Prank. 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar) patient?Does your doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucoselevel on regular basis?So Finger Sugar Monitor is the best application for you and yourdoctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid any medicalcomplications. This application measures the amount of glucose inyour body.Finger Sugar monitor is an important application for alldiabetic(sugar) patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Finger Sugar monitor is not only for diabetic patients but otherpeople can also use this application to avoid any sugar or diabeticcomplications.Finger Sugar monitor is very easy to use that's why everyone canuse this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron the scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get thisapp.Person can share his sugar result with his doctor or anyone hewants to.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Finger Sugar Monitor is a Prank application and it is only used forfun and entertainment purposes, this is not a real medical device,it only gives random readings. So just download this applicationfor fun and start prank with your friends and family.
Finger Blood Pressure (Prank) 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to check you Blood Pressure ondaily basis without any medical device?So this is the best application for you. This app is speciallydeveloped for those who did not have any time to check their BloodPressure with any medical instrument.Some Doctors advice their patients to examine their Blood Pressuredaily but they did not have any device to calculate Blood Pressureor they don't afford such type of medical instrument, those peoplecan check their Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure with the helpof this application.App is very lite any easy to use.This application calculates Systolic and diastolic Blood Pressureof Human being with their fingerprint or thumbprint.Finger Blood Pressure does not detect sugar level, diabetes levelor Heart rate it is specially designed just for Blood Pressure withvery nice graphics.Note:This is not a real medical instrument this is just s Prankapplication for fun, Please don't consider this application a realmedical device. So download this application for fun.
Blood pressure monitor Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Blood pressure monitor is a very exciting andnew prank app which allow you to calculate systolic and diastolicblood pressure without any medical instrument. This exciting prankapp is just for entertainment and fun purposes. Blood pressuremonitor is specially developed for those who want to play prankwith others. If you are a prankster then be ready to have allot offun.Blood pressure monitor is a fake app but it really looks like areal blood pressure scanner device. It is a prank app which alwaysgive randoms applications as result. Blood pressure monitor is avery easy and simple app so every can use it. First select yougender then select your age and then place your finger or thumb onscanning pad for scanning. Now you can find out your blood pressurein about 15 to 20 seconds.Blood pressure monitor is a free app and most important this appdoesn't require any internet connection for scanning. So you canuse it anywhere you want to use.If you like this app then don't forget to rate it with 5*.Features:Calculate systolic blood pressure.Calculate diastolic blood pressure.Works even without internet connection.Nice graphics.Easy to use.Scan through finger or thumb.Calculates human blood pressure in 15 to 20 seconds.Note:Blood pressure monitor is not a real app to calculate bloodpressure this is just a prank app for fun and entertainment, thisapp always give random result after scanning, so just download thisapp for fun.
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Finger Blood Pressure is a prank applicationwhich is used to calculates the fake Blood Pressure of humans. Ifyou like to play prank with your friends, family members or otherpersons then this is the perfect application for you. Through thisapplication you can scan your Systolic and Diastolic bloodpressure.This application is specially developed for entertainment and funpurposes. Finger Blood Pressure will detect your systolic anddiastolic blood pressure without any medical instrument or withoutany medical complications. This app is not a very unique prankapplication this app also calculates your blood pressure with yourfinger or thumb print.Finger Blood Pressure is totally free of cost and most important isthat this app does't require any internet connection to scan yourblood pressure. So if you are in a middle of somewhere where youdon't have any wifi connection or don't have any doctor to concernwith, you can use this application to calculate your bloodpressure. So download this app and have fun.Features:Calculate Systolic Blood Pressure.Calculate Diastolic Blood Pressure.HD Graphics.Looks like real medical device.Doesn't require any internet connection.Note:Blood Pressure Finger is a prank application for fun andentertainment purpose. Results given after scanning are not realthese are all random readings. So download this app for fun.
Medical Thermometer Prank 1.1
Black And White Studios
Medical Thermometer is a new and exciting wayto calculate your body temperature. This is one of the most easiestway to find out the temperature of the human body. MedicalThermometer Prank is a real looking digital thermometer which isused to find the fever of any human. This really looks like a realtemperature finder application. This app is specially developed forthose who wants to prank other people.This prank is just like other prank application which calculatesbody temperature with your thumb or finger print. But thisapplication is slightly different from all other prankapplications, all other prank applications just calculates yourfake body temperature on the other side this app will calculateyour body temperature and your fake age limit. This is not enoughyou can now share your Age or Body Temperature report with yourfriends, family or doctor through message option or through anysocial media.This app is specially developed for entertainment purpose and thisapplication is totally free of cost and it is reliable for thosewho want to play prank with others.You can know calculates your body temperature and your age withoutany medical instrument or without any real thermometer.How to use:First select what you want to scan first: Body Temperature orAge..Then place your finger or thumb on scanning pad.Don't disturb the scanning process.Press share button to share your report with others.Features:HD graphics.Calculate fake body temperature.Calculate fake age limit.Calculates through finger or thumb tip.User friendly.Free of cost.Free for fun.Doesn't require any internet connection.Sharing option.Note:Medical Thermometer is a prank app for fun and entertainment, thisapp is not applicable to calculate any temperature, it always giverandom readings. It is not possible to calculate body temperaturewill finger or thumb tip or print, result given after scanning isnot real these are all random readings, so just download this appfor fun.
Fingerprint Blood Sugar(Prank) 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic patient and your Doctor hasrecommend you to examine your sugar level on daily basis?Do you want to calculate your Sugar level on daily basis withoutany medical apparatus or you can't afford any medical apparatus?Don't worry this is the perfect application for diabeticpatients. You can even share your daily Sugar report with yourdoctor to avoid diabetic complications. This application is alsoused to calculate your Blood group.This application is very important not only for elders butchildren can also use this application because it calculates SugarLevel and Blood Group both. You can also share your sugar and bloodinformation with your friends, family and even with yourDoctor.This is a very lite and handy application because if you use amedical instrument or sugar meter they calculates through yourforearm or upper arm or with your blood drop, on the other site ifyou use this application you would be able to calculate your bloodsugar and blood group with your thumbprint or fingerprint.Application is very easy to use, just place your finger or thumb onthe scanning pad and app will calculates your blood sugar level orblood group.This is a very unique application to Prank your family andfriends with fake readings. So just download this application forfun.Features:Best application for diabetic patients.Calculates Blood Sugar level.Calculates Blood group.Sharing option.Looks like a real medical instrument.Prank your friends and family.Note:This is not a real medical instrument this is just a Prank for funpurposes, so just download this application on your android phoneor tablet and start having fun.
Finger Pregnancy Scanner Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know that either you arepregnant or not?Are you feeling some early Pregnancy Symptoms?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy, So don'tworry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy from your cellphone.Finger Pregnancy Scanner is a real looking Prank application forfun purposes used to scan pregnancy. This is a very fine way toprank your friends and family. If you are a prankster so this isthe perfect app for you to prank everyone. Pregnancy Scannercalculates your false Pregnancy. This application is specialdeveloped for women who wants to play prank with others.Now with the help of this application it is very easy to calculateyour Pregnancy. You don't need any Pregnancy strip or any othermedical devices to calculate your Pregnancy.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eating something orchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detect your pregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or any medical instrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanning pad for someseconds and find out either you are pregnant or not.Finger Pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you can shareyour pregnancy with your friends, family members and even with yourdoctor.If you like this application then don't forget to rate thisapplication with 5*.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Note:Finger Pregnancy scanner is not a real medical instrument to checkyour pregnancy it is a prank application for fun and entertainment.So just download this application and have fun.
Human Body Diabetes test Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelof your body on regular basis?So Human Body Diabetes test is the best application for you andyour doctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedical complications. This application measures the amount ofglucose in your body.Human Body Diabetes test is an important application for alldiabetic patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level.Blood Sugar Test is not only for diabetic patients but other peoplecan also use this application to avoid any sugarcomplications.Human Body Diabetes test is very easy to use that's why everyonecan use this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. First select your genderthen select your age, after selecting your age place your finger onthe scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Human Body Diabetes test is Prank application and it is only usedfor fun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandom readings. So just download this application for fun andstart prank with your friends and family.
Sugar & Glucose Tester prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to find the exact amount of sugarand glucose level in your body?Are you a diabetic patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?So Sugar and Glucose Tester is the best application for you andyour doctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedical complications. This application measures the amount ofglucose in your body without any medical instrument.Sugar and Glucose Tester is an important application for alldiabetic patients and for those who are very conscious about theirhealth.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level.Sugar and glucose tester is not only for diabetic patients butother people can also use this application to avoid any sugarcomplications.Sugar and glucose tester is very easy to use that's why everyonecan use this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron the scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level or Glucose level with thumbprint orfingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Sugar and glucose tester is a Prank application and it is only usedfor fun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandom readings. So just download this application for fun andstart prank with your friends and family.
Blood Glucose Tracker Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Blood glucose tracker is an awesome and uniqueway to test glucose level in your body.Testing glucose or sugar level in human body have many ways suchas: from patient forearm, from patient thigh, from patient blooddrop etc.If are afraid of injection needle then you can track yourglucose/sugar level through this app.This prank application test your sugar level from your thumb-tip orfingertip, you don't need to have any medical deice or any kind ofsugar detector strip.This application cannot test your true blood sugar but will giveyou some fake random readings.If you are very conscious about your health then you can test yourglucose level anywhere anytime without any medical device to avoidany type health complications.This app will also show your fake blood pressure and heart rateafter scanning period, and also shows the precaution to controlyour glucose level.Features:Track fake glucose / sugar level.Track through fingertip.Display precautions.Show fake blood pressure and heart rate.Simple and Nice Graphics.Works without any internet connection.Note:Blood glucose tracker is a fake application which always givedifferent and random readings, This is a very fine way to prankyour friends and family. THIS IS A PRANK APPLICATION.
Blood Sugar Test Prank. 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?So Blood Sugar Test is the best application for you and your doctorto manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid any medicalcomplications. This application measures the amount of glucose inyour body.Blood Sugar Test is an important application for all diabeticpatients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level.Blood Sugar Test is not only for diabetic patients but other peoplecan also use this application to avoid any sugarcomplications.Blood Sugar Test is very easy to use that's why everyone can usethis application. This application calculates your glucose levelfrom your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your finger on thescanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates your sugarlevel.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Blood Sugar Test is Prank application and it is only used for funpurposes, this is not a real medical device, it only gives randomreadings. So just download this application for fun and start prankwith your friends and family.
Glucose Test Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Black and white studios bring you glucose testwhich will test your sugar level without any glucometer or anymedical strip. This is not a very unique finger scanner app to testsugar level, but will give you three results at a time: Sugar,Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.Glucose test is an awesome and unique way to test glucose level inyour body.Testing glucose or sugar level in human body have many ways suchas: from patient forearm, from patient thigh, from patient blooddrop etc.If are afraid of injection needle then you can track yourglucose/sugar level through this app.This prank application test your sugar level from your thumb-tip orfingertip, you don't need to have any medical deice or any kind ofsugar detector strip.This app is specially developed for those people who are diabeticpatients and use insulin to control their sugar level to avoid anymedical complication.This application cannot test your true blood sugar but will giveyou some fake random readings.If you are very conscious about your health then you can test yourglucose level anywhere anytime without any medical device to avoidany type health complications and to use proper medication .This app will also show your fake blood pressure and heart rateafter scanning period, and also shows the precaution to controlyour glucose level.App is very easy to use, first select your gender then select yourage limit and finally place your finger or thumb tip on thescanning pad to test your glucose level.Features:Track fake glucose / sugar level.Track through fingertip.Display precautions.Show fake blood pressure and heart rate.Simple and Nice Graphics.Works without any internet connection.Note:Glucose test is a fake application which always give different andrandom readings, This is a very fine way to prank your friends andfamily. THIS IS A PRANK APPLICATION.
Blood & Sugar Test (Prank). 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know your Blood Group?Do you want to know about your Sugar level when are in a middle tonowhere or when you don't have any medical apparatus for sugar?Don't worry this application (Blood & Sugar Test) will allowto check your Blood Group and Sugar level without any medicalapparatus.Just install this application on your android cell phone anyenjoy.App is very easy to use just place your finger on the scanning padand app will detect your Blood group or sugar level.This application is a very unique way to Prank your friends andfamily.You can share your Blood group and Sugar level with yourfriends.Features:Calculates Blood Group.Calculate Sugar Level.Detect through Thumbprint or fingerprint.Sharing Option.Note:This application is just a PRANK for fun, so just download this appfor fun. It is not a real medical instrument.
Sugar test prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar) patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?So Sugar Test is the best application for you and your doctor tomanage you glucose or sugar level to avoid any medicalcomplications. This application measures the amount of glucose inyour body.Sugar test is an important application for all diabetic(sugar)patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Finger Sugar monitor is not only for diabetic patients but otherpeople can also use this application to avoid any sugar or diabeticcomplications.Sugar test is very easy to use that's why everyone can use thisapplication. This application calculates your glucose level fromyour fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your finger on thescanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates your sugarlevel.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get thisapp.Person can share his sugar result with his doctor or anyone hewants to.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Work without internet connection.Note:Sugar test is a Prank application and it is only used for funpurposes, this is not a real medical device, it only gives randomreadings. So just download this application for fun and start prankwith your friends and family.
Finger Sugar Monitor Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar) patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?So Finger Sugar Monitor is the best application for you and yourdoctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid any medicalcomplications. This application measures the amount of glucose inyour body.Finger Sugar monitor is an important application for alldiabetic(sugar) patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Finger Sugar monitor is not only for diabetic patients but otherpeople can also use this application to avoid any sugar or diabeticcomplications.Finger Sugar monitor is very easy to use that's why everyone canuse this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron the scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get thisapp.Person can share his sugar result with his doctor or anyone hewants to.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Finger Sugar Monitor is a Prank application and it is only used forfun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandom readings. So just download this application for fun andstart prank with your friends and family.
Girls & Boys Age Scanner Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know other's age or want toknow your own age then this is the perfect application for you.This app will calculate your fake age through your finger or thumbtip. This app is specially developed for those persons who want toplay prank with others.Girls and Boys age scanner will scan your fake age, this app isvery easy to use with nice graphics. Just place your finger on scanpad, don't disturb the calculation period and app will calculateyour age in 15 to 20 seconds. You can also share your result withfiends.How to use:First select your gender.Place your finger on scan padShare your age if you want to share.Features:Girls and Boys age scanner.Easy to use.Nice graphics.Sharing option.Scan without internet.Note:This is not a real scanning device for age. This is just a prankapp for fun.
Medical Sugar Scanner Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Maintaining Sugar, Diabetes or Glucose levelin human body is very important to avoid any major medicalcomplication. Their are many medical apparatus and many othermedical procedures to scan sugar level in human body. But somepeople can't afford them or don't known how to use them. So thisapplication will help you all to scan your sugar level.Medical Sugar Scanner is a prank application which will scan yourfake sugar level. This app is specially developed for entertainmentpurposes. App is very suitable for those people who want to playprank with others.App is very easy to use, first select you gender, then select yourage and finally place your finger or thumb tip on the scanning pad,Don't disturb the scanning process. App will scan your sugar levelwith in 15 to 20 seconds.App will show your fake sugar level, fake blood pressure and fakeheart beat level after scanning process.This app will also work without any internet connection.If you like this app then don't forget to rate this app.Features:Medical Sugar Scanner.Scan through finger or thumb tip.Work even without any internet connection.HD graphics.User friendly.Note:Medical Sugar Scanner is not a real sugar scanning device this isjust a prank application for fun and entertainment purposes.
Fingerprint sugar Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar or glucose)patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?So Fingerprint sugar Monitor is the best application for you andyour doctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoid anymedical complications. This application measures the amount ofglucose in your body.Fingerprint sugar monitor is an important application for alldiabetic(sugar or glucose) patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Fingerprint sugar monitor is not only for diabetic patients butother people can also use this application to avoid any sugar ordiabetic complications.Fingerprint sugar monitor is very easy to use that's why everyonecan use this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron the scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get thisapp.Person can share his sugar result with his doctor or anyone hewants to.Features:Person can share its glucose level with it's doctor or share it onany social media.Calculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.Note:Fingerprint sugar is a Prank application and it is only used forfun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandom readings. So just download this application for fun andstart prank with your friends and family.
Medical Blood PressureBP Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Blood pressure is very important for everyhuman, so make sure that your blood pressure is normal. Examineyour blood pressure on daily basis, Visit your doctor on time andtake healthy meal to keep your blood pressure level normal.Some time doctors asked their patients to examine their bloodpressure on daily basis to avoid any type of medicalcomplication.Some people can't afford any medical BP apparatus so that they canscan their blood pressure regularly. This app is really useful forthose people, now everyone can scan their blood pressure just freeof cost. Just download this application on your android cell phoneand scan your BP for free.This app is very user friendly so that every one can use thisapp.This is not just a BP finder application this can also scan yourage limit.First select Blood pressure or Blood group, then place your fingeron the scan pad, don't disturb the scanning process. Scanningprocess will end in 15 to 20 seconds.You can also share your blood pressure results with your friends,family and even with your doctor.Most important is that if you choose blood group then the resultwill be you age limit so you can easily prank your friends withthis trick.If you don't have any inter or wifi connection available then theiris no problem, this app works without internet connection so if youhave no wifi then no problem.This app is specially developed for entertainment purposes.How to use:First select blood pressure or blood group.Place your finger on scan pad.Don't disturb scanning process.Share final reports.Features:Blood Pressure.Blood group / Age.HD graphics.User friendly.Works even without internet connection.Note:Medical Blood Pressure BP is not a real application this is just aprank application for fun and entertainment purposes.
Sugar Monitor Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Black and white studios bring you a new andexciting app Sugar Monitor which will test your sugar level withoutany glucometer or any medical strip. This is not a very uniquefinger scanner app to test sugar level, but will give you threeresults at a time: Sugar, Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.Sugar monitor is an awesome and unique way to test glucose level inyour body.Testing glucose or sugar level in human body have many ways suchas: from patient forearm, from patient thigh, from patient blooddrop etc.If are afraid of injection needle then you can track yourglucose/sugar level through this app.This prank application test your sugar level from your thumb-tip orfingertip, you don't need to have any medical deice or any kind ofsugar detector strip.This app is specially developed for those people who are diabeticpatients and use insulin to control their sugar level to avoid anymedical complication.This application cannot test your true blood sugar but will giveyou some fake random readings.If you are very conscious about your health then you can test yourglucose level anywhere anytime without any medical device to avoidany type health complications and to use proper medication .This app will also show your fake blood pressure and heart rateafter scanning period, and also shows the precaution to controlyour glucose level.App is very easy to use, first select your gender then select yourage limit and finally place your finger or thumb tip on thescanning pad to test your glucose level.Updates of this prank app will be launched on 2016.Features:Track fake glucose / sugar level.Track through fingertip.Display precautions.Show fake blood pressure and heart rate.Simple and Nice Graphics.Works without any internet connection.Note:Sugar Monitor Prank is a fake application which always givedifferent and random readings, This is a very fine way to prankyour friends and family. THIS IS A PRANK APPLICATION.
Doctor's Sugar Apparatus Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you a diabetic(sugar) patient?Your Doctor has advice to examine your sugar level or glucose levelon regular basis?Don't worry Doctor's Sugar Apparatus is the best application foryou and your doctor to manage you glucose or sugar level to avoidany medical complications. This application measures the amount ofglucose in your whole body.Doctor's Sugar Apparatus is an important application for alldiabetic(sugar) patients.Their are many ways to test sugar level such as: From patient'sneck, From patient's arm, From patient's finger with a drop ofblood etc. Blood Sugar or glucose meter is used to calculate sugarlevel which are easily available at pharmacies near you, But manypeople can't afford them or don't know how to use such medicaldevices. So those people can use this application to test theirsugar or glucose level without any medical device.Doctor's sugar apparatus is not only for diabetic patients butother people can also use this application to avoid any sugar ordiabetic complications.Doctor's sugar apparatus is very easy to use that's why everyonecan use this application. This application calculates your glucoselevel from your fingerprint or thumbprint. Just place your fingeron the scanning pad for some seconds and app will calculates yoursugar level.This app is totally free of cost so everyone can get this app.Features:Works without any internet connectionCalculates Sugar level with thumbprint or fingerprint.Awesome graphics.Real looking testing device.User friendly.Free of cost.Note:Doctor's Sugar Apparatus is a Prank application and it is only usedfor fun purposes, this is not a real medical device, it only givesrandom readings. So just download this application for fun andstart prank with your friends and family.
Cut the tree 1.1
Black And White Studios
Take your axe and chop all the tree.Cut the tree is an old designed arcade game. Help the man tochop all the tree into small pieces.Cut as many as possible but don't forget the time because time isrunning and try to cut as many pieces as possible. This is veryeasy game to play.So grab your axe and became a master in cutting the tree.Cut the tree now comes with sharing option. Now you can share thisgame with your friend and family.If you like this game then don't forget to rate it.
Kids Mathematica-Best IQ Test 1.0
Black And White Studios
Kids Mathematica is best application for yourkids to learn very basics about math. You can keep your child mindin a very good shape by maths training. This IQ test app is justlike puzzle game for small kids.This is the best ever learning application for children. This maybe the best platform of learning for before school going kids.Through these type of learning and quiz applications you can sharpyour kid's mind.Kids Mathematica is a very different application from all othermath puzzle and math quiz applications, because your kids can firstlearn from this app and when you thing your kid has learn enoughthen you can take a test from your kids through this application.In learning section their are three categories:Counting in word.Simple addition question.Simple subtraction questions.In quiz section their are also three categories:Un-jumble words.Addition problems.Subtraction problems.This app is also very help-full for those who want to playpuzzle, riddle or brain training games.Math is always a very big problem for students, but if your kidscan start learning maths from before school going life then mathwill be not a big problem for them.So download this application and exercise you and your's childrenbrain with this simple math iq app.
Girls Pregnancy Monitor Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know that either you arepregnant or not?Do you want to know that how many babies you are having?Are you feeling some early Pregnancy Symptoms?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy, So don'tworry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy from your cellphone.Girls Pregnancy monitor is a real looking Prank application for funand entertainment purposes used to scan pregnancy. This is a veryfine way to prank your friends and family. If you are a pranksterso this is the perfect app for you to prank everyone. GirlsPregnancy monitor calculates your false Pregnancy. This applicationis special developed for those girls who want to play prank withtheir boyfriends,.Now with the help of this application it is very easy to calculateyour Pregnancy. You don't need any pregnancy strip or any othermedical devices to calculate your Pregnancy.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eating something orchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detect your pregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or any medical instrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanning pad for someseconds and find out either you are pregnant or not.Finger Pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you can shareyour pregnancy with your friends, family members, with yourboyfriend and even with your doctor.If you like this application then don't forget to rate thisapplication with 5*.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Monitor through finger or thumb.Note:Girls Pregnancy monitor is not a real medical instrument to checkyour pregnancy it is a prank application for fun and entertainment.This app always give random readings after scanning. So justdownload this application and have fun.
Home pregnancy scanner Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you feeling some early PregnancySymptoms?Do you want to know that either you are pregnant or not?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy, or youdon't want to visit your doctor and wants to test pregnancy athome, so don't worry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy fromyour cell phone at anywhere you want.Home Pregnancy Scanner is a real looking Prank application for funpurposes used to scan pregnancy. This is a very fine way to prankyour friends and family. If you are a prankster so this is theperfect app for you to prank everyone. Pregnancy Scanner calculatesyour false Pregnancy. This application is special developed forwomen who wants to play prank with their friends and lovedones.Now with the help of this application it is very easy to calculateyour Pregnancy. You don't need any Pregnancy strip or any othermedical devices to calculate your Pregnancy. Just place your fingeror thumb on the scanning pad and app will scan your pregnancy. Appjust not only scan your pregnancy, if you are pregnant then it willshow that you are pregnant and also shows that how many babies youare having.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eating something orchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detect your pregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or any medical instrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanning pad for someseconds and find out either you are pregnant or not.Home Pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you can shareyour pregnancy with your friends, family members and even with yourdoctor.If you like this application then don't forget to rate thisapplication with 5*.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Note:Home Pregnancy scanner is not a real medical instrument to checkpregnancy of a women it is a prank application for fun andentertainment. So just download this application and have fun.
Thermometer Body Fever Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Thermometer Body Fever Prank is a newandexciting way to calculate your fake body fever or temperature.Thisis the most easiest way to find out the fever of the humanbody.Thermometer Body Fever Prank is a real looking digitalthermometerwhich is used to find the fever of any human. Thisreally lookslike a real temperature finder application. This app isspeciallydeveloped for those who wants to prank other people.This prank is not just like other prank application whichcalculatesbody temperature with your thumb or finger print. Butthisapplication is slightly different from all other prankapplications,all other prank applications just calculates yourfake bodytemperature, on the other side this app will calculateyour bodytemperature as well as your blood group. This is notenough you cannow share your Blood Group or Body Temperaturereport with yourfriends, family or doctor through message optionor through anysocial media.This app is specially developed for entertainment purpose andthisapplication is totally free of cost and it is reliable forthosewho want to play prank with others.You can know calculates your body temperature and your bloodgroupwithout any medical instrument or without thermometer. You canfindout your body temperature in just 15 to 20 second. Mostimportantthing is that this application doesn't require anyinternetconnection to scan your body temperature.If you like this application then don't forget to rate this app.How to use:First select what you want to scan first: Body Temperature orBloodGroup..Then place your finger or thumb on scanning pad.Don't disturb the scanning process.Press share button to share your report with others.Features:HD graphics.Calculate prank body temperature.Calculate prank blood group.Calculates through finger or thumb.User friendly.Free of cost.Free for fun.Doesn't require any internet connection for scanning.Sharing option.Note:Thermometer Body Fever is a prank app for fun andentertainment,this app is not applicable to calculate any bodytemperature, italways give random readings. It is not possible tocalculate bodytemperature with finger or thumb print, result givenafter scanningis not real these are all random readings, so justdownload thisapp for fun.
Zodiac Horoscopes 1.0
Black And White Studios
Add your or your's friend date of birth tofindout horoscope.If you don't know your Horoscope then this app will help you tofindout your horoscope, this app is not like all other ZodiacHoroscopesapplication but it is very different from allotherapplications.If you want to know your horoscope just add your date of birthandapp will find out your horoscope.Not just horoscope but you will also get a small descriptionaboutyour horoscope, time period of horoscopes, rulling planet ofyourhoroscope, special element of your horoscope and symbol ofyourhoroscope.App is specially developed with very nice graphics so that itlooksdigital horoscope detector device.Content on this app is not downloadable. Small content of thisappis gathered from google and wikipedia.- Find Horoscope.- Small description about every horoscope.- Time period of every horoscope.- Rulling planets of horoscopes.- Special Elements of horoscopes.- Symbols of horoscopes.
Selfie Cam for Android 1.0
Black And White Studios
Selfie Cam for Android will allow to makeyourselfies beautiful.You can utilize all advantage of your phone or tablet with thehelpof this application.A very user friendly app so that anyone can use it easily.If you like this application then don't forget to rate it.
Anti Mosquito Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Absolutely new and exciting anti mosquitoappwhich helps you to keep mosquitoes, flies and bugs away fromyou.Every body knows that mosquitoes are the most Dangerous andDeadlyinsects in the whole world, so that's why we have developedthisamazing app for you to keep mosquitoes away from you.The main purpose of this app is to keep you guyssafemosquitoes.Anti mosquito app works through the frequency of yourandroiddevice. You just have to select the frequency and andhitscanner/clean button. After hitting scanner/clean buttonyourdevice will produce high quality of frequency ways whichrepelmosquitoes from you. So it is a very high quality tool forkillingmosquitoes.So just download anti mosquito and be safe from deadly mosquitoes.Actually anti mosquito is prank app just for funandentertainment purposes, their is no such device in the worldwhichrepel mosquitoes from different sounds orfrequencies.Scientifically this app is not confirmed as an antimosquito app sotreat this app as a prank.-Anti Mosquito.-High quality graphics.-Works even without internet connection.-Entertaining app.Note:Anti Mosquito is not a real mosquito killing or mosquito repelappthis is just a prank app for fun.
Age & blood scan prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Age & Blood Scan is a very new anduniqueprank application because it is the first ever applicationthatcontain two scanners, Blood Group scanner and Age scanner. Itis anexciting way to play prank with your friends and family.Finding human blood group have many way to detect like: fromblooddrop or other medical tests, but with the help of this app youcandetect your blood group just with a thumb or finger print.Age & Blood Scan also test your fake age limit. Mostlygirlsdon't want to tell their real age to other, so this app istheperfect application for them.You can share your blood group and age limit with yourfriends,doctor and other persons with the help of message optionand youcan also share your fake report through any socialmedia.Most important is that this app doesn't require anyinternetconnection to scan, so you can detect your blood group andagelimit anywhere you want to.If you like this app then don't forget to rate it.Features:Scan fake blood group.Scan fake age limit.Nice graphics.Works without internet connection.Sharing option.Free for fun and entertainment.Looks like real device.Note:Age & Blood Scan is not a real application to scan yourbloodgroup or age limit this is just a prank application whichalwaysgive random readings, so just download this app forentertainmentplay prank with your friends and family.
Solar battery charger prank 1.2
Black And White Studios
Black and white studios brings you anexcitingprank application which will charge your android cellphone'sbattery without any electric charger. This app works as asolarpanel which store energy from sunlight and then charge yourphonebattery through that energy.Solar battery charger allows you to charge your android cellphonewithout electricity, you can now charge your phone ortabletbattery with solar energy.If you are in a middle of somewhere and you wants to chargeyourphone or tablet and you don't have any electricity source thenthisapp will help you to charge your phone with sunlight.Solar battery charger is a prank application which will chargeyourphone's battery. Through this fake application you can prankyourfriends.Solar energy is a very handy source to produceelectricity.Electricity is being produced with sun light. If youreally want toproduce electricity through solar light you have toget some solarpanels or other solar devices. But charging yourphone with solarlight directly is not possible.App is specially developed for those who want to play prankwithothers. Any age persons can easily use this application.SolarBattery charger really looks like a real wireless chargingdevice.It also shows you your current battery status.If you like this application then don't forget to ratethisapplication with 5*, we will be very great-full for yourfeedback.Features:Solar battery charger.Looks like real charging device.Nice graphics.Kids can also use this app.Works without internet connection.Note:Solar battery charger is a Prank application justforentertainment.So just download this app for fun.
Bounce Ball 3D 1
Black And White Studios
Bounce Ball 3D is a Bounce based 3Djumpinggame. It is a very challenging and interesting game,speciallydeveloped for children. First ever 3D Bouncing ball gameon androidplatform.Tap the screen to start the game.Tilt right and left to move the ball.Collect as many coins as you can.Go as far as you can to collect more points.Don't forget to collect power up's.Try not to jump on forks.Fantastic Graphics.So what are you waiting for download this amazing game andhavefun.
Solar Battery Charger Prank. 1.0
Black And White Studios
Solar Batter charger allows you to chargeyourandroid cell phone without electricity, you can now chargeyourphone's battery with solar energy.If you are in a middle of somewhere and you wants to chargeyourphone or tablet and you don't have any electricity source thenthisapp will help to to charge your phone with solar light.Solar Battery charger is a prank application which will chargeyourphone's battery. Through this fake application you can prankyourfriends.Solar energy is a very handy source to produceelectricity.Electricity is being produced with sun light. If youreally want toproduce electricity through solar light you have toget some solarpanels or other solar devices. But charging yourphone with solarlight directly is not possible.App is specially developed for those who want to prank others.Anyage persons can easily use this application. Solar Batterychargerreally looks like a real wireless charging device. It alsoshowsyou your current battery status.If you like this application then don't forget to ratethisapplication with 5*, we will be very great-full for yourfeedback.Features:Solar Battery charger.Looks like real charging device.Nice graphics.Kids can also use this app.Note:Solar battery charger is a Prank application justforentertainment.So just download this app for fun.
Digital Age Calculator Plus 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know your or your loveone'sage?Digital age calculator plus will help you to do so. You just needtoremember your birth year.This is a very easy and user friendly age calculator whichwillcalculates your age between two dates(Date of birth &Currentdate). Calculates your age in years, months, weeks, days,hours,minutes and seconds.So this valentine you can find your or your love's age withthiscalculator.You can share your age information with your friends and familyonany social media or share it through sms or email.Features:Calculates your age in years, months, weeks, days, hours,minutesand seconds.Digital age calculator is free of cost.Share your age information through sms, email or anysocialmedia.Nice layout and user friendly.
Blood Group & Age Scan Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Blood Group & Age Scan is a very newandunique prank application because it is the first everapplicationthat contain two scanners, Blood Group scanner and Agescanner. Itis an exciting way to play prank with yourfriends.Finding human blood group have many way to detect like: fromblooddrop or other medical tests, but with the help of this app youcandetect your blood group just with a thumb or finger print.Blood Group & Age Scan also test your fake age limit.Mostlygirls don't want to tell their real age to other, so this appisthe perfect application for them.You can share your blood group and age limit with yourfriends,doctor and other persons with the help of message optionand youcan also share your fake report through any socialmedia.Most important is that this app doesn't require anyinternetconnection to scan, so you can detect your blood group andagelimit anywhere you want to.If you like this app then don't forget to rate it.Features:Scan fake blood group.Scan fake age limit.Nice graphics.Works without internet connection.Sharing option.Free for fun and entertainment.Looks like real device.Note:Blood Group & Age Scan is not a real application to scanyourblood group or age limit this is just a prank applicationwhichalways give random readings, so just download this appforentertainment play prank with your friends and family.
Wifi Battery Charger (Prank). 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to charge your phone's batterywitha wireless charger or you have lost or broke your charger oryou aregetting frustrated by the time your mobile takingforcharging?Then Wifi Batter Charger is the perfect application for youwhichhelps you to charge your phone's battery with the helpofWi-Fi.This application is an amazing tool for all android devices.Thisapplication also works with mobile data network.If you are in a journey and you don't have any wificonnectionavailable, and your phone's battery is getting low thenyou cancharge you phone with your mobile data.How to use:Turn on your Wifi connection.Place your phone near wifi router.Features:Charge battery with wifi connection or mobile data.Nice graphics.Show current battery.Note:This is a Prank application for fun purposes. So download thisprankapplication to impress your friends and family.
Body Temperature Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Body Temperature Prank is a new andexcitingway to calculate your body temperature. This is the mosteasiestway to find out the temperature of the human body. BodyTemperaturePrank is a real looking digital thermometer which isused to findthe fever of any human. This really looks like a realtemperaturefinder application. This app is specially developed forthose whowants to prank other people.This prank is just like other prank application whichcalculatesbody temperature with your thumb or finger print. Butthisapplication is slightly different from all otherprankapplications, all other prank applications just calculatesyourfake body temperature on the other side this app willcalculateyour body temperature and your blood group. This is notenough youcan now share your Blood Group or Body Temperature reportwith yourfriends, family or doctor through message option orthrough anysocial media.This app is specially developed for entertainment purpose andthisapplication is totally free of cost and it is reliable forthosewho want to play prank with others.You can know calculates your body temperature and your bloodgroupwithout any medical instrument or without thermometer.How to use:First select what you want to scan first: Body Temperature orBloodGroup..Then place your finger or thumb on scanning pad.Don't disturb the scanning process.Press share button to share your report with others.Features:HD graphics.Calculate prank body temperature.Calculate prank blood group.Calculates through finger or thumb.User friendly.Free of cost.Free for fun.Doesn't require any internet connection.Sharing option.Note:Body Temperature is a prank app for fun and entertainment, thisappis not applicable to calculate any temperature, it alwaysgiverandom readings. It is not possible to calculate bodytemperaturewill retina, result given after scanning is not realthese are allrandom readings, so just download this app forfun.
women pregnancy monitor prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Do you want to know that how many babiesyouare having?Are you feeling some early Pregnancy Symptoms?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy, Sodon'tworry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy from yourandroidcell phone or from any android tablet.women pregnancy monitor is a real looking Prank application forfunand entertainment purposes used to scan pregnancy. This is averyfine way to prank your friends and family. If you are apranksterso this is the perfect app for you to prank everyone.GirlsPregnancy monitor calculates your false Pregnancy. Thisapplicationis special developed for those girls who want to playprank withtheir boyfriends,.Now with the help of this application it is very easy tocalculateyour pregnancy without any medical complication. You don'tneed anypregnancy strip or any other medical devices to calculateyourPregnancy.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eating somethingorchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detect yourpregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or any medicalinstrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanning pad forsomeseconds and find out either you are pregnant or not.women pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you canshareyour pregnancy with your friends, family members, withyourboyfriend and even with your doctor.If you like this application then don't forget to ratethisapplication with 5*.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Monitor through finger or thumb.Note:women pregnancy monitor is not a real medical instrument tocheckyour pregnancy it is a prank application for fun andentertainment.This app always give random readings after scanning.So justdownload this application and have fun.
Kids Writing Board 1.0
Black And White Studios
Best android Writing and Drawing BoardforKids. Kids Writing Board helps your children to writealphabets,numbers, and whatever they want to write in a very uniqueway.Kids Writing Board is an educational app which allows yourkidsto learn and write. Kids can also draw shapes in it.Key Features:Writing Board.Drawing Board.Kids can write in English, Urdu and ArabicKids can draw shapes.Numeric option is also available.
Pregnancy Scanner Finger Prank 1.0
Black And White Studios
Are you feeling some earlyPregnancySymptoms?You don't have any Pregnancy Strip to scan your Pregnancy, Sodon'tworry now it is possible to scan your Pregnancy from yourcellphone.Pregnancy Scanner Finger is a Prank application for funpurposes.This is a very fine way to prank your friends and family.If youare a prankster so this is the perfect app for you toprankeveryone. Pregnancy Scanner calculates your false Pregnancy.Now with the help of this application it is very easy tocalculateyour Pregnancy. You don't need any Pregnancy strip or anyothermedical devices to calculate your Pregnancy.Now scanning your Pregnancy is as easy as eating somethingorchatting with someone, Pregnancy Scanner will detect yourpregnancyin 15 to 20 seconds. without any strip or any medicalinstrument.Just place your finger or thumb in the scanning pad forsomeseconds and find out either you are pregnant or not.Pregnancy scanner comes with sharing options you can shareyourpregnancy with your friends, family members and even withyourdoctor.If you like this application then don't forget to rate us.Features:Pregnancy scanner.Looks like real scanner.Nice graphics.Sharing options.Note:Pregnancy scanner finger is not a real medical instrument tocheckpregnancy it is a prank application for fun and entertainment.Sojust download this application and have fun.